Enjoy the prime location at our hotel near Weber State University (WSU) when you stay in one of our comfortable rooms here at Comfort Suites Ogden. Benefit from the comfort and convenience that we provide while you visit family, friends, or just to tour Weber’s stunning campus!
Founded in Ogden, Utah in 1889, Weber State University was Utah’s very first comprehensive regional university and has a great academic standing. With over 225 programs and 13 different graduate degrees, it’s no surprise that Weber draws in students from all around the globe – 61 foreign countries to be exact!
The University is on a valiant journey to become carbon-neutral by 2050 and is currently taking steps to conserve energy and water, already reducing its carbon footprint by 31 percent since 2007. Discover this ecological paradise during your stay at our hotel near Weber State University in Ogden, Utah.
Photographed by Janko Ferlic
Photographed by Aman Bhargava
Photographed by Steve Johnson